

I was looking forward to handing on to  you down the original recipe of this recent yummy Italian  dessert. Some tips: use only very fresh eggs and bitter chocolate 75% of very high quality; be careful in measuring out the ingredients; respect the reported below sequence; always add the flour only at the last moment and mix slowly and only for some seconds; use appropriate disposable tins; tip onto the tins always the same quantity of Cioccolatissimo; control with extremely precision the cooking time: remember that each ovens are different from one another, so the first times may not be easy to make the perfect dessert cooking, but... don’t give in!

Ingredients for 6 persons

  • 200 gr butter
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 gr bitter chocolate 75%
  • 200 gr sugar
  • 50 gr flour
  • some drops vanilla extracts
  • icing sugar
  • whipped cream

Cooking steps

1.      finely chop the chocolate
2.      put the butter into a pan and warm it up until it dissolves
3.      put the chocolate into the pan with the butter over a low flame
4.      mix the chocolate until it becomes to dissolve
5.      turn off the flame and carry on mixing until the chocolate completely dissolves
6.      let it rest until it becomes tepid
7.      whisk the eggs with the sugar
8.      tip the chocolate onto the pan with the eggs and mix until it becomes creamy
9.      add the sieved flour and mix very slowly for some seconds
10.  butter 6 disposable tins
11.  spread the tins bottom and sides with a little bit of flour
12.  fill each tin up tip – 2 cm down the brim
13.  put it into the preheated oven (180°) and cook for about 10’ (7’-12’ might be the “oven” range)
14.  turn the Cioccolatissimo onto single dishes
15.  spread the top with the icing sugar
16. serve hot accompanied with the whipped cream


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